Friday, May 4, 2012

Final Project: Feature-Benefit Table


Each button press adds one “use” to a counter that tells the user how many uses are remaining and when a refill is required.

LCD Screen

The LCD screen is used to deliver messages to the user such as the number of uses remaining or an inhaler refill is required. In the future, the LCD screen could be replaced with an LED or a auditory alert to notify the user.


Used to quantify shaking. Provides us with the tools to measure both the magnitude and frequency of shaking.


Competitive products (i.e. T-Haler) are intended for use in physicians’ offices or pharmacies. InhaleSur allows users to keep the device with them at all times.

Usage Tracking

This feature offers the user with a simple way to recognize when a refill is required instead of having to keep track with a calendar and simply guessing when the canister is empty. Avoids waste and ensures optimal dosage delivery.

Real-time Monitoring

This coincides with portability, but there is no guesswork or delay involved with using the InhaleSur product. Patients know exactly when their inhaler is sufficiently shaken.

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